Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Lifestyle 7 - Hobbies

A change of activity freshens the spirit…

Why do we look forward to the weekend? It is because we become dull doing the same thing and want a change. Why do we have Monday morning blues? Could it be that variety of the weekend spices our lives and fills us with dread at the prospect of facing another boring week? This is why hobbies are important. Hobbies bring colour and variety in to our lives, increase lateral skills, mostly enable us to enjoy ourselves and reduce stress levels.

Hobbies play a vital role in re-energising us, mainly because the hobbies we undertake are activities we naturally like. There is neither compulsion nor pressure of performance. Hobbies allow us to forget our mundane problems, increase our creativity and awareness levels while lowering stress levels.

Share your opinion and experiences

  • Do you have a hobby that is unrelated to your work?
  • Do you spend a definite time every week on your hobby?
  • Do you have friends who are related to you by your hobby?
  • Are you constantly increasing your knowledge in your hobby?
  • Do you have a definite budget which you spend on your hobby?

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