This blog is about managing stress, to demystify stress and make it easy to cope.
Topics addressed are:
a. What is stress? How does it occur? Mechanics of stress.
b. Relationship between Stress and Situational Awareness.
c. Solutions to Stress using Raja Yoga techniques.
d. Stress intervention and development of techniques in managing stress.
Stress is completely personal and experiential. Stress occurs when we get tipped from our natural center, one of peace to one of agitation. While the reason for this tipping could be many and often out of our control, our ability to react to any situation in a balanced manner can be built in us as capability, enabling us to remain in the present and resolving the stress as it occurs.
This capability is known as Situational Awareness and is defined as “the degree of accuracy by which one’s perception of his current environment mirrors reality”.
This calls for:
> Clarity of mind & ability to process multiple data inputs.
> Ability to align output to reality.
> Ability to use minimum energy and reduce waste in transactions.
There are two levels of requirement, an intervention level that can be deployed as the stress occurs and a developmental level where the lessons are internalized for better performance over time. This site addresses both using yoga methods.
Yoga is a proven system of bridging the gap between reality of any situation and a person’s perception. While there are many methods within Yoga that may be used, Raja Yoga is more applicable to everyday living. Raja Yoga was propounded by Sage Patanjali around 2000 BC and can be split into 2 parts, Kriya (basic) & Samyama (advanced) Elements. Samyama Yoga is about attaining renunciation and is not relevant here, but Kriya Yoga is priceless for stress management because principles of preparation for Samyama are similar to managing stress.
Since Kriya Yoga was composed around 2000 BC, the elements have been made contemporary to make them relevant. Care has been taken to retain critical concepts when realigning the elements.
Yogasala- A School of Yoga!
Yogasala means- “School of yoga”; This is a virtual school that will assist you in coping with various situations by harnessing the experience of the many people who have faced similar situations and come out with a higher level of awareness.
Why a school? A school is one where we have teachers and students and in this site we are both. Teachers when we help others cope with the reality of their situations and students when we learn from others experiences. This makes us constantly learn and update our skills as givers and takers and become wholesome.
Yogasala addresses all aspects of stress management by integrating various elements at various levels in the following manner;
a. An integrated manual on stress management called “Workbook on Situational Awareness”. The book is being printed.
b. A 2 day Training programme is available for those wishing to get a practical exposure to the concept and techniques.
c. This blog is available for participants to discuss issues and resolutions to stress.
d. Personal support is available at
How can you derive benefit from this site,
You are encouraged to be both, a student and a teacher, contribute with your situation and help others resolve their own. Ask for assistance and revert to people who respond so that you create vibrancy and a problem solving environment.
How do we know we are on the right track?
When we experience-
Peace at home,
Peace outside, and
Peace within.
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